Design Project Questions | Dave Jones Design | UK

Here’s a list of questions, that will help will help with the design project brief. This will also help with your brand strategy/positioning too.

Could you tell me a bit about the background of the business?…

Where is the business based, and how do/will you operate?…

What is your brand purpose/mission?...

Where do/will you sell your service/products?…

What do you hope to achieve over the next 5 years as a brand?...

Who is your target market/audience?…

Who are your main competitors?…

What makes your company stand out from your competitors?...

Can you name five words that describe your company?…

Do you have a brand story?...

What are your brand values?…

Are there any brands in your particular category that you like the look of?…(Please provide visual examples/links, or mood-board)

Are there any brands in similar sectors, or in general that you like the look of?...(Please provide visual examples/links, or mood-board)

Do you know the direction in regards to the kind of design/branding your looking for?…(Please provide visual examples/links, or mood-board)

What are the deliverables you require? (brand identity (logo), packaging, website design etc?)…

If you require print/packaging/website design, how many products/SKU’s or pages do you require designs for?…

Do you require any brand world/illustration/pattern/icon design work?...If so, what style, and how many illustrations/designs would you require?…

Do you require print ready artwork, if so for how many products/SKU’s?…